Legal defence agents are supposed
To be a place where one can get a Legal Services
Provider’s opinion and advocacy at a reasonable price
About Us
Traffic Ticket Terminator was started by Bernie VanPelt in 1999 for the purpose of providing affordable legal representation for Provincial Offence charges including traffic tickers, MTO/CVOR infractions, municipal charges, workplace charges, trespassing offences, Smoke Free Ontario Act offences and many, many more. We first opened our doors in Mitchell Ontario where we closely worked with a law firm for many years.
Our Services

Traffic Tickets & other provincial offences charges

Provincial Offences Appeals

Commercial trucks
Our protection
Traffic Ticket Terminator are here for your protection
Protect your driving record
Protect your freedoms
Protect your insurance rates
Protect your record
Protect your rights
Protect your company's record
Why Choose us?
Take advantage of our:
Honest legal defense service
Reputation with judges, prosecutors and court officials
Favicon Dedicated, knowledgeable court representation
Network of qualified Legal Service Providers throughout Ontario
Competitive rates
File and appear on appeal in the Ontario Court of Justice